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SiteLock 2019 Website Security Report: Protecting Websites in the Age of Stealth Attacks

SiteLock 2019 Website Security Report: Protecting Websites in the Age of Stealth Attacks

Among the cryptojacking-buzz, Facebook’s data breach saga, and nation-state attacks on companies like Nissan, you likely noticed a trend of high-profile cybercrime in 2018.

However, after studying website attacks that plagued 2018, a new trend arises. Cybercriminals swept the web with secrecy, focusing on stealthy attacks to compromise websites rather than taking a more conspicuous approach.

Findings come from the SiteLock 2019 Website Security Report, an analysis of over 6 million websites to determine the most prevalent cyberthreats websites face today. Using proprietary algorithms and technology, SiteLock has identified the top website risk factors and emerging trends in 2019.

Throughout the report we explore three primary topics that drive website security:

Attack patterns and risk factors – Learn why website attack attempts per day grew by 59% from January 2018 to December 2018.

Web code vulnerabilities – Find out the most vulnerable CMS applications and why they are at risk even when kept up to date.

Malware types – Discover the top three types of malware that were found on more than 50% of infected websites, and what it means for your website.

The SiteLock 2019 Website Security Report also includes a cybersecurity checklist with tips and best practices to ensure your cybersecurity strategy is proactive and your website remains secure.

Download your free SiteLock 2019 Website Security Report by clicking here.

Source: SiteLock

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