CDM Editorial Calendar

Over the years, CDM has published an editorial calendar on the magazine’s website. In the early years, this information served as a guide for authors and their institutions to target issues of the magazine with focus on their areas of expertise and service. More recently, with the growth of valuable articles submitted to us outside the limitations of the editorial calendar, it has become clear that the needs of our authors and readers are not well served by imposing such restrictions. The increasing pace of cybersecurity developments has resulted in the need to publish articles with a sense of urgency, rather than stick to an inflexible calendar.

Accordingly, Cyber Defense Magazine will no longer publish the annual editorial calendar as a strict focus of monthly issues. Instead, we will make it available to potential authors as a guide, or to help them in choosing topics and respond to expected needs in the cybersecurity community.

Any content on any subject and information security which provides insights into best practices, regulatory compliance, understanding the threat and vulnerability landscape and ultimately helping stop breaches is very important to us and our readership.
As always, we are delighted to receive both solicited and unsolicited proposals for articles. Please remember to submit all articles on the Cyber Defense Magazine writer’s kit form, which incorporates the major terms and conditions of publication. We make every effort to close out acceptance of articles by the 15th of each month for publication in the following month’s edition.

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