While most CISO’s, IT Executives and Staff are planning out a relaxing summer with their families – vacations, barbecues and cookouts, camping and fishing, a disgruntled employee may be planning to steal a company’s intellectual property, trade secrets, or worst yet, sabotage the data and network with just 1 click of the mouse. Why? because they received an unsatisfactory bonus, or for many other reasons.
External Hackers are not the only threat your business or organization may be facing. One of your biggest risks comes from your own employees. A recently published Harvey Nash / KPMG survey of nearly 4,500 CIOs and tech leaders globally, finds that the Insider Threat problem is the fastest-growing one of all.
If you plan to attend Black Hat USA 2019, when the show winds down and you’re on your last day or two in Las Vegas, Nevada, why not signup now for the most relevant and important training class you can ever take in this field – with more than 80% of breaches being accounted for as either a malicious or (accidental) non-malicious insider threat?
Here’s what we’re offering in August 2019 and CDM readers receive special pricing:
Insider Threat Mitigation Boot Camp
(August 9, Las Vegas, NV – Cyber Defense Magazine Special Pricing)
Jim Henderson – Insider Threat Program Management Training Course Instructor
Friday, August 9, 2019 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (PDT)
Las Vegas, Neveda
The Insider Threat Defense Group is the #1 Choice for Insider Threat Mitigation Training. Students who attend our training will be well versed in how to develop, implement, manage or enhance an Insider Threat Program, and have the in-depth knowledge to detect and mitigate Insider Threat risks. Read Our Brochure For Insider Threat Mitigation Training:
Our results speak for themselves: