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If the recent attack on Microsoft is Chinese Government State Sponsored, isn’t it time for a Cyber Geneva Convention?

If the recent attack on Microsoft is Chinese Government State Sponsored, isn’t it time for a Cyber Geneva Convention?

State sponsored cyber hacking, espionage, ransomware and other attacks (mainly to steal trade secrets) needs to come to a screetching halt.

My simple humble suggestion, change all firewall and router rules to block inbound and outbound traffic to any TLD in mainland China.

We should all pick a day and ‘just do it’.  Let’s say August 1, 2021, during the launch of Black Hat USA 2021, do some firewalling of China.

Then, maybe the Chinese government will come to the table and realize these kinds of activities are self-destructive and harmful to humanity and trade relations.

See: Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures of Indicted APT40 Actors Associated with China’s MSS Hainan State Security Department | CISA


If the recent attack on Microsoft is Chinese Government State Sponsored, isn’t it time for a Cyber Geneva Convention?

Gary S. Miliefsky, Publisher
Cyber Defense Magazine

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