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Breaking Cyber Security Investment News: Dave DeWalt … Momentum Cyber

Breaking Cyber Security Investment News: Dave DeWalt … Momentum Cyber

Third Annual Cyber Investing Summit Speakers Dave DeWalt and Eric McAlpine Launch Premier Cybersecurity Advisory Firm

New York, NY, January 29, 2018 Cyber Investing Summit Keynote Speaker Dave DeWalt and Panelist Eric McAlpine have joined forces to launch Momentum Cyber, a new advisory firm dedicated exclusively to the cybersecurity industry.

Now in its third year, the Cyber Investing Summit is a unique all-day conference focused on the financial opportunities available in the rapidly growing cyber security industry. Panels will explore sector investment strategies, market growth forecasts, equity valuations, merger and acquisition activity, partnership opportunities, cryptocurrency protection, and funding for startups. The Summit will be held May 15, 2018 in New York City.

Cybersecurity has rapidly grown to become a $138 billion industry with over 3,000 companies around the world. Over the past five years, the cybersecurity market has exploded with nearly a 300% growth in venture and later stage private equity investing and a 350% growth in M&A deal volume. This activity highlights the need for the industry’s first trusted advisory firm exclusively dedicated to cybersecurity.

Momentum Cyber aims to be the “go to” trusted advisor providing bespoke high-impact advice combined with unique senior-level access. The firm offers a new and innovative advisory model specifically designed for the cybersecurity industry combining operational excellence, board room, corporate finance, strategy, exit planning, and M&A services throughout the life of a client – Incubation to Exit.

Cybersecurity veteran and luminary Dave DeWalt will serve as chairman while long-time technology M&A veterans Eric McAlpine and Michael Tedesco will serve as managing partners. DeWalt, Tedesco, and McAlpine have an unrivaled track record as operators and advisors having orchestrated 200+ transactions for over $200 billion in total value as advisors and principals. DeWalt has also led over $20 billion in value to shareholders as either CEO, member of the board, and/or investor.

 Breaking Cyber Security Investment News: Dave DeWalt … Momentum Cyber

By joining forces with DeWalt, the three founders and partners intend to leverage the team’s collective 70+ years in cybersecurity as operators and advisors to provide tailored advice and access to companies in the fastest growing sector within technology.

“The cybersecurity landscape is fragmented, complicated, and continues to evolve rapidly with our clients increasingly requiring more cyber savvy, trusted advice,” said managing partners McAlpine and Tedesco. “Momentum Cyber, with Dave as our chairman, is truly the completion of our vision to create the industry’s first dedicated cybersecurity advisory platform, bringing together industry leaders and top dealmakers.”

Momentum Cyber will complement DeWalt’s current role as managing director at AllegisCyber, as well as his personal investments with NightDragon, as the advising piece of DeWalt’s platform. He also sits on the board of directors of leading cybersecurity companies including Optiv, ForeScout, Phantom Cyber, ForgeRock, Claroty, Callsign, Illusive Networks, Team8, DataTribe, and Delta Airlines. DeWalt previously served as Chief Executive Officer of FireEye and McAfee LLC.

“The launch of Momentum Cyber is a monumental development for the cybersecurity industry, filling an unmet need for deep domain expertise combined with world-class strategic advisory and M&A experience, particularly for emerging growth companies,” said Dave DeWalt. “At Momentum Cyber, we will serve our clients as the premier firm singularly focused on proving the highest level of trusted advice to the ever-evolving cybersecurity ecosystem. I created this partnership with Michael and Eric specifically for their combination of industry depth, unrivalled M&A track record, and pensive forward-thinking.”

In addition to providing advisory services, Momentum Cyber produces insightful cybersecurity research and market reviews as well as the ubiquitous CYBERscape industry taxonomy. The firm’s founders are frequent media guests discussing the market and are highly sought out speakers at industry conferences and private events.

About the Third Annual Cyber Investing Summit

The Cyber Investing Summit is an all-day conference exploring the investment opportunities and trends in the cybersecurity industry. The Summit differs from traditional product centered conferences by focusing on the financial side of the cybersecurity sector. Attendees include Chief Information Security Officers, VC founders, financial analysts, institutional and retail investors, publicly traded and privately held cybersecurity companies, government experts, and the media. The Cyber Investing Summit will take place Tuesday, May 15, 2018 in New York City’s Financial District. Additional information can be found at For questions, please contact Lindsey Lachman at [email protected]

About Momentum Cyber

Momentum Cyber is the premier trusted advisor to the cybersecurity industry providing bespoke high-impact advice combined with tailored, senior-level access. The firm was founded by world-class operators and advisors and caters to the unique needs of both earlier stage Founders, CEOs, & Boards as well as the complexity of later stage & public companies throughout their lifecycle. Momentum Cyber is headquartered in San Francisco with operations globally. Momentum Cybersecurity Group, LLC conducts its M&A advisory services as an M&A Broker as defined by the SEC. More information can be found at

Posted by Gary S. Miliefsky, Publisher, Cyber Defense Magazine

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