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This National Cyber Security Awareness Month, check out the latest cybersecurity technology to help protect your company from an attack.

[This is a small excerpt of the entire article, please read on then click the link at bottom]

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month  While the annual campaign is designed to raise awareness about cybersecurity breaches, as a business owner you’re probably well aware of the growing threat.

The mounting number of company computer and data system breaches illustrates that it’s no longer a question of if your company’s sensitive data will be hacked, but when. Data analytics researcher Juniper Research predicts that data breach costs will reach $2.1 trillion throughout the world by 2019.

“It’s important to realize that your company is at risk, which makes vigilance critical,” says Gary S. Miliefsky, executive producer of Cyber Defense Magazine  “Many owners of small to medium-sized businesses don’t think they’re targets of hackers or cybercrime, but the fact is that most breaches are smaller now. To stay under the radar of the FBI and Secret Service, cyber criminals steal a small number of records, monetize those records and then hit again.”

“This ‘Wild West’ phase of learning to anticipate and work against cyber threats goes deeper than surviving a breach and picking up the pieces afterwards,” says Rob Arnold, founder and CEO of the cyber risk management company Threat Sketch and author of Cybersecurity: A Business Solution.  “History is repeating itself,” Arnold continues. “The future will play out just like it has with the advent of the internet. Businesses that embraced technology at a strategic level left their brick-and-mortar peers in the dust. In the same respect, those companies that learn to effectively manage cybersecurity threats will be the ones that are still in business 25 years from now.”

Read the entire article at American Express Open site by clicking here…

Writer/Author/Publisher/Speaker, Garden Guides Press

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