Page 63 - Cyber Defense eMagazine September 2018
P. 63


         Five GDPR Mistakes that Will Put Your Company in Hot Water

         by Steve Dickson, CEO, Netwrix

         Only 29 percent of small businesses and 41 percent of midsize businesses in Europe have taken steps to
         prepare for the GDPR, according to IDC, and there’s no reason to think that organizations elsewhere in the
         world are any more ready for the May 2018 deadline.

         But panicking can do more harm than good — you’re likely to make costly missteps. If your organization isn’t
         prepared, you definitely need to get moving. But be sure to avoid these five common mistakes that can harm
         your company:

         Mistake 1: Rushing the process.

         With the GDPR deadline looming and compliance challenges in the headlines every day, it’s easy to run mad
         and make bad decisions. The most absurd example might be British airline Flybe: In their eagerness to prepare
         for  the  GDPR,  they  crafted  an  email  advising  users  to  update  their  personal  information  and  marketing
         preferences,  and  sent  it  their  entire  customer  base  —  including  people  who  had  unsubscribed  from  the
         company’s  emails.  That  rash  action  violated  an  existing  law,  the  Privacy  and  Electronic  Communication
         Regulations (PECR), and got the company slapped with a £70,000 fine.
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