Page 60 - Cyber Defense eMagazine September 2018
P. 60



         Reinforcement is the last step in the Rampart de Troika.  Because unused skills lose their effectiveness, a
         company must not only actively test its staff with social engineering cold calls, phishing emails and chance
         meetings, but also notify employees that it will test them to ensure retention.

         As in most cases, an important part of reinforcement is emphasizing the positive through incentives. Those
         who follow the proper protocol in response to any security incident should be rewarded with recognition.  A
         mention in the company newsletter, an email, gift card or any other form of acknowledgement is satisfactory
         in letting the user know they are doing the right thing. It is imperative that organization leaders recognize staff
         if they do the right thing, catch a mistake or foil a social engineering attempt. The ultimate result is that the
         staff  member  is  recognized,  other  staff  recognize  what  positive  behavior  is  and  follow  the  example  and
         potential insider threats take note and reconsider any negative actions.

          About the Author

                                             Daniel “Dan” Jetton is the Vice President of Cyber Services for OBXtek.
                                             He is responsible for leading and defining cyber strategy while ensuring
                                             security, defense and risk mitigation for his clients.

                                             OBXtek’s  accomplished  teams  have  an  established  reputation  for
                                             consistently  and  efficiently  achieving  goals  for  its  portfolio  of  federal
                                             government customers. Dan Jetton, MBA, MS, MA is a CISSP, CAP and
                                             PMP with 20 plus years of military service.

                                             He  can  be  reached  online  at
                                             and at the OBXtek website
                                             You can follow him on

                                             Twitter @CyberPhalanx for cybersecurity news.
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