Page 66 - Cyber Defense eMagazine September 2018
P. 66


         How Do We Get Privacy?

         Revisiting the Basics and Importance of Cryptography
         By Joe Guerra, Cybersecurity Instructor, Hallmark University

         Since the onset of technology in society, it has broken the levees of data and has eroded our personal privacy.
         In this digital age, the procurement and access to our personal data may be utilized and manipulated in a
         quiet  manner  to  control  our  behavior.  With  this  in  mind,  let  us  peruse  through  the  concepts  of  Privacy,
         Encryption and Cryptography.

         In the field, one of the most intriguing and disheartening things about cryptography is how minute amount of
         cryptography we actually mess with. So, let us quickly review what privacy technically is and what today’s
         technology has done to increase the vulnerabilities it has bestowed on it.

         Privacy, what is it all about in Technology?

         Privacy is a condition of being liberated from the public eye to the extent that you choose it to be. Today,
         information is gathered and organized on almost every action and transactions that you initiate, perform, or
         involved in. From web searching, buying, doing those online surveys, communicating through social media
         platforms, etc. All these actions leave a digital exhaust that you left behind. Data bots and analysts then
         aggregate  this.  This  supposedly  private  data  has  associated  risks.  The  risks  are  either  inconveniences,
         grouping or being profiled. Your data is used for marketing or sold to identity impersonators, which is a theft
         or inconvenience. Your data is then associated with groups of similar background, interests and tendencies.
         Alternatively,  your  data  is  deeply  analyzed  through  statistical  algorithms  and  informationally  profiled  and
         grouped. A more in-depth way of profiling you.
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