Page 49 - Cyber Defense eMagazine - November 2017
P. 49

DDoS – A Threat to Availability and Security

               Today’s  DDoS  attacks are  almost  unrecognizable from the  early  days of  attacks,  when  most
               were simple, volumetric attacks intended to cause disruptions to online services, maybe even
               publicly  humiliate  an  organization.  Today,  the  attack  techniques  are  becoming  ever-more
               complex  and  the frequency  of  attacks  is growing  exponentially.  The  combination  of  the size,
               frequency and duration of modern attacks represent a serious security and availability challenge
               for any online organization. Minutes or even tens of minutes of downtime or latency significantly
               impacts the delivery of essential services. As the DDoS attack landscape evolves toward more
               sophisticated attack techniques, the objective is no longer focused solely on disruption.

               The  goal  is  not  only  to  cripple  a  website,  but  rather  to  distract  IT  security  staff  with  a  low-
               bandwidth,  sub-saturating  DDoS  attack.  Such  attacks  typically  are  short  duration  (under  5
               minutes)  and  volume,  which  means  that  they  can  easily  slip  under  the  radar  without  being
               detected or mitigated by some DDoS protection systems. These attacks are increasingly used
               as  a  smokescreen  to  camouflage  other  cyberattacks,  including  data  breached  and  data
               exfiltration. The disruption caused by the DDoS attack can expose weaknesses in organizations’
               cyber defenses or overwhelm other security tools, like firewalls or IPS/IDS, opening the door for
               cyber criminals to plant malware or steal sensitive information.

               Proactive Protection in the Face of DDoS Attacks
               Distinguish  DDoS  attack  activity  –  Have  a  clear  understanding  of  your  network  traffic
               patterns. Short duration, low volume attacks can be used as ‘stress tests’ profiling for security
               vulnerabilities within your edge security perimeter. Visibility into DDoS activity on your network
               is step one in defining your DDoS resiliency plan.

               Document  your  DDoS  defense  plan  –  Proactive  planning  requires  both  technical  and
               operational considerations. A comprehensive plan also includes a communication strategy that
               spans  across  all  facets  of  the  business,  to  ensure  that  key  stakeholders  are  notified  and
               consulted accordingly.

               Time-to-mitigation is a critical consideration – When faced with an attack, ransom driven or
               otherwise,  time-to-mitigation  is  critical.  Minutes,  tens  of  minutes  or  even  seconds  count.
               Downtime,  outages,  latency  and  security  implications  become  increasingly  damaging  when
               mitigation techniques are not instantly engaged.

               Organizations, regardless of industry, need to be proactive in their DDoS defense strategies.
               Paying out a ransom to stop an attack is not a scenario that any organization should have to
               deal  with.  As  DDoS  attacks  continue  to  become  more  complex,  more  frequent  and  more
               adaptive in nature, traditional IT security infrastructure doesn’t stand a chance when it comes to
               proper  protection  for  your  business.  Organizations  must  begin  to  look  at  DDoS  as  a  threat
               vector that requires a dedicated detection and mitigation solution as part of an overall layered
               security  strategy.  Proper  DDoS  mitigation  combines  real-time,  automatic  detection  and
               mitigation,  deployed  at  the  internet  edge  to  defeat  the  growing  threat  of  DDoS  before  it  can
               impact the targeted environment.

                   49    Cyber Defense eMagazine – November 2017 Edition
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