Page 14 - Cyber Defense eMagazine - February 2018
P. 14



               by Uri Kreisman, COO, Bluechip Systems

               On  August  15th,  2012,  the  Saudi  Arabian  group  Saudi  Aramco  suffered  a  malware

               attack  called  “Shamoon”  that  damaged  about  thirty  thousand  computers.  The  state-

               owned  group  runs  the  entire  nation’s  oil  production,  and  the  attack  sent  the  nation’s
               entire economy into disarray. In total, eighty-five percent of Saudi Aramco’s hardware

               was compromised.

               Shamoon  highlights  how  a  cyberattack  on  an  energy  entity  could  cripple  an  entire

               nation. Indeed, it’s this potential for such damage that makes them an attractive option

               for cyberterrorists.

               Smart  grids  being  an attractive  target for cybercriminals points  to a  larger trend. The
               internet of things (IoT), powered by smart devices, gives cybercriminals the opportunity

               to hack devices previously unheard of even a decade ago. Since more and more homes
               are now attached to the smart grid through IoT, the need to secure these networks is

               becoming more and more vital.

               All of the internet connected devices in your home that have cameras attached to them -
               -  smartphones,  smart  TVs,  video  game  consoles,  baby  monitors,  laptops  --  can  be

               hacked  and  exploited  to  monitor  and  spy  on  residents  and  execute  powerful  botnet

               attacks all without your knowledge.

               There is now an increasing need to be able to secure IoT devices that were never built

               to be secured in the first place. Instead of relying on manufacturer software updates, I
               believe that a hardware-isolated solution is the future. If you embed a low-power, highly

               flexible, hardware-isolated computational and storage container that isolates data inside

               the host architecture, you can secure data and processes independently of the host’s
               operating system or networking protocol and make them virtually impervious to attack;

               an innovation that will change cybersecurity as we know it today.

                   14    Cyber Defense eMagazine – February 2018 Edition
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