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An Insight Into The Security Risks While You Engage In Social

Networking Activities

Social networking has become the order of the day. Sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and micro
blogging sites like Twitter have taken over the world of communication via the internet.

These sites are extremely popular among the young and old alike and the efficacy of these
sites cannot be overemphasized. There are many uses for such sites. They can be used for
making new friends and also for discovering old ones. They can be instrumental in finding
employment and also for searching suitable candidates. Sites like Twitter can help one voice
one’s concerns and express thoughts and ideas on an international platform. Companies
can increase their revenue and reach an astounding number of people through these social
networking activities.

With the several advantages also come some very serious concerns. We share many things
about ourselves on these sites. Personal information that we share while signing up is stored
within the servers of these websites. Of the three websites that have been mentioned in this
article, Facebook is the one that is used the most by a staggering number of people
worldwide. Facebook users share their status, photos and communicate with their ‘friends’
on a regular basis. We may have seen status messages that look very simple but they may
have serious repercussions.

Imagine a Facebook user posting a status message that says, ‘’Yippee, Going on a week-
long Caribbean cruise vacation with entire family on Friday’’. It is a very innocent message
that expresses the person’s joy and excitement. But the message that it conveys is very
potent. For her friends it may sound fun but there are people who may observe it in a
different way. They now know that the person will be away from home for a week. The house
will be empty for one full week starting from Friday. Would you get on the rooftop and shout
out the same things to the world? If you won’t then don’t do so on Facebook or any other
social networking site.

Recently there was a questionnaire that was forwarded by many on Facebook. It included a
series of questions that would supposedly be used to judge a person’s character. Some of
the questions also asked for the name of the person’s elementary school and the user’s
mother’s maiden name, name of first pet and so on.

Now pause for a moment and think where else you may have seen the same questions. Got
it? Exactly, while opening an online bank account, or for your work’s HR system you are
required to answer a series of questions that will help you retrieve your password if you
forget it. It may be very harmless between friends but there are hackers who could get hold
of this information and drain your bank account without you even knowing it.

There are many applications on Facebook that are designed by end users. These may be in
the form of calendars and questionnaires. You will have to download and install these
applications or add them as ‘add-ons’ to your browser. These applications may contain
malicious content that could copy your passwords or usernames.

5 Cyber Warnings E-Magazine – August 2014 Edition
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